2018年4月17日 星期二

YOKO's sharing 001


各位好,我是 Yoko。


記得我的偶像 - John 的旅行日記在結集成書之前,他曾經把內容上載在自己的網頁分享。而當時作為小粉絲的我,也就自然不會錯過他的每次更新。


「你好,挑戰者第 7777 號,我的名字叫 Vega。請戴上 VR 頭盔進行遊戲。」

畫面中出現一輛兔子外型的機器人在自我介紹。當我依照他的指示戴上 VR 頭盔之後,我看見自己身穿太空衣,並且身處在一艘太空船的機倉裡。

「挑戰者第 7777 號。我們的任務是要找出 John 埋藏在織女星地底深處的未公開旅行記錄。你準備好了嗎?」Vega 以舊式電子合成聲音向我說明遊戲,感覺十分有趣。




怎料,原以為是壯闊無比的太空尋寶任務,竟然因為太空船固障而無法開始。而接下來我就是跟隨著 VEGA 的指示,完成了一堆其實不需要 VR 裝置附助也無礙進行的 2D 小遊戲......不過我自問還是有很落力地參予其中就是了。




當 Vega 再次跟我說明下一個跟遊戲主線無關的「任務」時,我總算意識到這並不是我想像中的大型冒險遊戲......而是一個廣告。


我禮貌地向 Vega 道別之後就直接登出遊戲。果然看見屏幕上出現一段介紹:

「星際旅行者 John 首本旅行記錄,將於宇宙歷 4 月 5 日出版。除了收錄從未公開過的織女星旅行記錄之外,首刷限量更隨書附送織女星機器人 Vega 吊墜一枚。」

現在回想起來,那個遊戲大概就是出版社想出來的低成本宣傳方法吧。不過當時的我仍然有因為 John 的旅行日記終於結集成書而興奮歡呼哩(笑)。




Someday in the Space Calendar. Sunny.

Hello everyone, I’m Yoko.

What I want to share with you this time is not an entry of my travelling journal, rather it’s an interesting anecdote from the past.

I remember that before my idol, John, made his travelling journal entries into a book, he uploads its contents onto his blog. And as his young fan back then, I wouldn’t miss a single update for the world.

But then one day, all the journal entries on the blog was erased. All that’s left on the webpage was a link. After I clicked on it, a game screen appeared.

“Hello, challenger 7777, my name is Vega. Please wear a VR helmet to continue with the game.”

A robot with the appearance of a rabbit appeared on the screen and introduced itself. When I put on a VR helmet following its instructions, I saw myself in a space suit and was standing in a spaceship.
“Challenger 7777, our mission is to find the unpublished journal entries John has buried deep underneath the ground of Vega. Are you ready?” Vega explained the game to me in an interesting old electronically synthesised voice.

“So what do we do?” I’m starting to get excited about the virtual space journey that I’m about to have!

“First, we have to fix this ship.”

“Oh...? We’re not launching off straight away?”

Who would have thought the first obstacle in our space treasure hunt mission is a technical malfunction? I then completed a bunch of 2D games that doesn’t really require a VR device, but I still try my hardest to participate in them.

After I ‘fixed’ the spaceship I thought I could go back to the cockpit to get ready for flight.

“Now, we have to extract the fuel.”


Just when Vega explained another mission that’s unrelated to the main plot of the game, I realised this is not a big adventure game like I had thought... it’s an advertisement.

“Vega, it was very nice to meet you.”

I logout of the game right after I politely bid Vega farewell. Sure enough, there’s a short summary on the screen.

“Space traveller John’s first travelling journal will be published on Space Calendar April 5th. In addition to the never-before-seen journal entries on Vega, the first book will also include a charm necklace of the robot Vega.”

Looking back now, that game is probably a low-cost advertisement by the publisher to promote his book. But at that time, I was still so happy about John’s travelling journal finally being published as a book collection, that I screamed with excitement. (laughs)

John, I still cherish this memory today, and hope that I can one day get to play the real completed version of the game...

- Yoko

YOKO - Day 006

宇宙歷 20018 年 3 月 30 日. 前往 PM0405 行星途中





「YOKO 小姐,我們遇上了一些狀況,十分需要你的協助。請幫忙尋找『星光祭』的發源者。」

當我看見屏幕上出現一片櫻花瓣圖案的時候,幾乎以為是電腦中毒了。打開之後才知道那是來自 Z017 行星上的「狐狸」所發出的訊息。

牠所提到的「星光祭」讓我想起你在 PM0405 行星上寫過的幾篇記錄。但問題是,聽說這顆「流浪行星」的座標系統已經在幾年前停止運作了......






沒錯!星光是不會消失的。而我只需要再次按照你的日記排序,找出你前往 PM0405 行星之前以及之後的大概位置,然後從那個範圍附近尋找「星光祭」所發放出的彩色星光,就可以計算出這顆流浪行星的移動軌跡了。


事不宜遲,我得立刻前往 PM0405 行星。希望能夠幫到狐狸們。




Space Calendar 20018/3/30. Heading toward planet PM0405

Hello John.

Thank you.

You might find it strange, why am I thanking you all of a sudden? This is what happened.

According to the plan, I was supposed to visit each planet following the order of your travelling journal. However, I had to adjust my schedule slightly as I’ve suddenly received a friend’s request for help a few days ago.

“Miss Yoko, we ran into a situation that needed your assistance. Please help us find the originator of the ‘Astral Festival’. “

When I saw the Sakura petal icon on my screen, I thought my computer was infected with a virus. It’s only after opening it, did I realise it’s a message from the ‘foxes’ on planet Z017.

The “Astral Festival” mentioned made me think about the few entries you’ve written in your journal on planet PM0405. The only problem is, there’s a rumour that the coordination system of this “Wandering Planet” has stopped functioning a few years ago...
But locating a planet without coordinates is a thousand times harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

Because of this, I strongly believe, humans are too arrogant if they think that with technology, they can go wherever they want.


Just when I’m at the verge of giving up on figuring out how to locate this planet, I suddenly remembered a few lines from your journal.

“The light they made would be like starlight. With the passage of time, it would reach different places.”

That’s right! The light of a star would not disappear. All I have to do is to locate your position before and after you went to planet PM0405 according to your diary, and find the colourful lights emitted by the “Astral Festival” in that area, then I’ll be able to calculate and track the movement of this wandering planet.

Thank you again, John. Although I have read your travelling journal numerous times, I never thought I would still be able to find such hidden gems.

I’m not going to wait any longer, I’ll go to planet PM0405 immediately. I hope I can help the foxes.

Too big a universe, too short to live.


JOHN - Day 006

宇宙歷 20000 年 9 月 24 日. PM0405 行星.陰

終於有機會來到這裡了 - PM0405 行星 ,人稱「宇宙中最自由的星球」。












Space Calendar 20000/9/24. Planet PM0405. Cloudy.

I’ve finally got the chance to come here - planet PM0405, also known as “The planet that has the most freedom”.

The most incredible thing about this planet, is that it’s not in any galaxy’s orbit, nor is it attracted by other planets’ gravity. All that it is, is a planet that’s drifting in the universe.

An actual “Wandering Planet”.

Although this planet doesn’t have a sun, it has an abundant source of underground fuel. On top of that, since natives on this planet have already grown accustomed to their nomadic lifestyle, they are really good at collecting space energy. That’s why, their developments in technology and culture was never hindered.

The inhabitants of this planet have a very romantic custom, called the “Astral Festival”.

Every time the planet passes a star that’s similar to the sun, the natives would collect its light, and store it in space suits of different colours. When the time comes for the “Astral Festival”, they would travel into space wearing these space suits, and release all the lights they stored all at once, as if they were the planet’s star.

Although as an outsider, I couldn’t participate in the “Astral Festival”, I tried fitting in by adjusting my space suit into light-storing mode while I quietly appreciated the beauty of a sky reflecting an explosion of colours from man-made stars.

The light they made would be like starlight. With the passage of time, it would reach different places. Perhaps, it might even appear in the skies of other planets.

That’s the proof that wanderers exist.

Space is big, life is short.

Written under the starlight.

YOKO - Day 005

宇宙歷 20018 年 3 月 21 日.MKPE02 行星.時晴時雨













對了。女店主說雖然她的店將會結束營業,不過她丈夫的朋友在 Z017 行星開設的糖果店,到現在依然年中無休哩!有機會的話我一定要去看一下。


- Yoko


Space Calendar 20018/3/21. Planet MKPE02. Sporadic rain

Hello, JOHN.

I can’t help finding it a pity that I missed the opportunity to try the peculiar tangerines. That’s why, this time, I absolutely have to give the instructor candy you recommended a try. I feel like my journal is becoming a universe food exploration record. (laughs)

Before entering the candy store, I took care to switch my spacesuit to that of an intern’s style. As expected, the female store owner recognized immediately that I used to be a spacecraft aviation student.

I took out the journal entry about this candy store from back then and explained the purpose of my visit. She was amused by my “My idol’s footsteps re-experience plan” and was very interested. She then shared a lot of anecdotes of how she and her husband ran the store after my instructor quit his job.

Unfortunately, turned out today is the candy store’s last day.

I can’t help but to feel a bit lost. Yet, even though the female shop owner saw my reaction to the news, she still wore a smile on her face. And then she introduced her son in the photo to me.

“He’s my son, Smith.” The female shop owner pointed at the small boy next to my instructor in the photo. I took a closer look, and realized he was holding onto a small guitar.

“I remember just before we took this photo, my husband noticed how our son looked like he has a lot on his mind, so he asked him, ‘Son, the space is big, but life is very short. Do you have places you want to go and things you want to try?’“

And then, the female shop owner pointed at a concert poster that was hanging on the door, right at the middle, is the grown up Smith.

Now I know. The instructor took the same approach with his son as with me.

“We are already satisfied just from achieving our own dream. There’s no need to force our child to continue it. He also has the right to pursue his dreams, doesn’t he?” The female store owner then gave me the same candies she gave you that day as a farewell gift.

The candies really are delicious! The sweetness is filled with happiness.

Oh yes. The female store owner said that although her store is going to close soon, the candy store at planet Z017 opened by her husband’s friend is still open every day! If given the chance, I must go and visit.

Too big a universe, too short to live.


JOHN - Day 005

宇宙歷 19998 年 3 月 19 日.MKPE02 行星.晴

這次來到 MKPE02 行星,目的是探望一位曾經教導過我,現在已經退休的教官。










「你就是 JOHN 嗎?我先生經常有提起你哩!」


「JOHN,我可以拜託你把這個帶到 Z017行星上的一家糖果店嗎?那位店主是當年跟我先生一起研究製作糖果的朋友。」女店主把一份糖果製作的食譜交給我。

「當然可以。謝謝你的糖果。」我把太空衣的外觀轉換成當年的款式,以太空船駕駛科學生的身份往 Z017 行星出發。

MKPE02 行星上有一家糖果店。糖果全部由店家自製,美味可口,而且滿載著夢想。


寫於前往 Z017 行星途中


Space calendar 19998/3/19. Planet MKPE02. Sunny

The reason I came to visit planet MKPE02 this time is to visit an instructor who used to teach me and has now retired.

When I was in junior secondary school, because I didn’t care much about my grades, my instructors were always very fierce to me. But, that year, I met him.

“JOHN, space is very big but life is very short. Isn’t there any place that you want to go, anything that you want to try?” He asked me earnestly, holding my terrible report card.
“Yes, there is. I want to drop out of school now and explore the entire universe. Haha!” At that time, I only wanted to end the conversation.

“Okay! Then I’ll condense all my knowledge of driving a spaceship and teach them to you in this semester. If you can learn all of that, I’ll apply for school suspension for you, so you can achieve your dream.” He said seriously. I was surprised by how seriously he took me.

Unlike the others, he was the only instructor in this school who would really listen to me.

Perhaps I was affected by his enthusiasm, for the remaining semester, I worked incessantly hard on studying, in order to get myself ‘suspended’. In the end, I was first in that year’s Spaceship Driving. But at the same time, because I was studying hard, I felt inadequate.

“Sir, I... want to learn more. So, I think it’s best for me to just stay in school.” The day the semester ends, for the first time, I felt a sense of achievement in my academic studies. I realized I wanted to keep on learning from him.

“Haha! Of course! Let’s work hard, JOHN.” My instructor offered me a piece of candy. But, I was a bit confused by his gesture.

Turns out his biggest wish was to own a candy shop with his wife. But the day he quit his job and got ready to chase after his dream...

“You’re JOHN? My husband’s always talking about you!”

The female shop owner of the candy store grabbed a few different kinds of candies and gave them to me in a jar. At this moment, I noticed my instructor’s family portrait on the counter. In the photo, even though he is sick and lying on his bed, he is still smiling and holding the candies from the shop while taking the photo with his family.

“JOHN, can I trouble you with bringing this to a candy store on planet Z017? The shop owner used to develop candies with my husband back in the days.” the female shop owner passed me a candy recipe.

“Of course. Thanks for the candy. “ I changed the appearance of my spacesuit to the style of those days and set off to planet Z017 as a spacecraft aviation student.

There is a candy store on planet MKPE02. All the candies are made in store. They are very tasty and are filled with dreams.

Space is big, life is short.

Written on the way to planet Z017