2017年11月18日 星期六

YOKO - Day 002

宇宙歷 20017 年 8 月 2 日 . A91 行星.陰


我來到這個行星,正好是你上次造訪之後大概 20 年。

由於 "引力時間膨脹" 的關係,以宇宙歷計算,雖然你只是離開了這裡 20 年,然而這個星球已經渡過了千年的光陰。這種感覺十分奇妙。

這個 A91 星球在千年之後的現在,正處於長期戰爭之中,國家與國家的紛爭無日無止。這個星球上的人民看來已經失去了理性,令星球進入滅亡倒數。

可是,正當我認為這裡已經沒有任何值得體驗的事情而準備離開時,我看見了 "狐狸"。雖然跟你描述的顏色不太一樣,但我知道牠們一定就是你曾經見過的生物。

而且,"牠們" 是一對姊妹。

我決定帶牠們離開這個星球,去 Z017 星球尋找牠們的同伴。



Space Calendar 8/2/20017 . Planet A19 . Cloudy

Dear John,

It has been 20 years since your last visit, and now I was here, on this planet.

According to the space calendar, you had left this planet for 20 years only, yet due to the "gravitational time dilation", thousand years had passed on this planet. How fascinating!

After all these years, this planet, Planet A91, fell into an age of war - conflicts between countries never stopped. The people seemed to have lost their minds. This planet didn't left much time.

However, by the time I planned to leave this planet as nothing seemed experience-worthy, I saw "foxes". Their fur colours were not as same as what you mentioned, still I was sure they were the creatures you have seen.

"They" were a pair of sisters.

Thus, I decided to take them away from this planet, to Planet Z017 and look for their companions.

Too big the universe, too short to live.


know more at --> JOBI the Moon Fox

